ISHINE® 閃麗高固全能面蠟

  • 直接使用
  • 能應用在膠地板上, 直接使用, 直接塗四層無需底蠟
  • 不會發黃, 使用後能高度還原光澤度及清晰度而且耐用的面蠟
  • 25%高固含量, 有助減少划痕, 水跡及鞋印等等對地板的損害


iShine is a 25% high solids floor finish that employs patented optically enhanced polymer technology to amplify the overall gloss appearance and clarity of floors. The unique blend possesses cutting edge raw materials to form a high solids finish that provides total protection. iShine is a durable finish that provides maximum protection against scuffmarks, water spots, and black heel marks.

COLOR: Clear
PH: 8.0-9.0
SCENT: Slight Amm